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“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15–16 NKJV)


Time is the great equalizer. Rich or poor, it’s the one thing that we all have the same amount of. To take it a step further, your life here has only so much time. There is no resetting the clock. Once your time is over, it’s over.


This verse tells us to “walk circumspectly”. That word means carefully, paying attention. Then it says that the way you do that is to “redeem the time”. How you spend your time says so much about you and what you value. People all the time say to me, “I would love to do that, but I don’t have the time,” or, “I am just too busy.”


I want to make a big statement. YOU FIND TIME FOR WHAT YOU THINK IS VALUABLE. That means I can tell you what your value System is by the way you spend your time. The way you spend your time tells me what kind of person you are. The way you spend your time shows me what your thought process is.


I want to share with you some super valuable things that are worth spending time on:

  1. The Lord. Spending time in His Word, spending time in prayer, spending time in meditation, spending time with other Christians (church, small groups, etc.)—all these things bring what money cannot buy: peace, joy, comfort, and direction.

  2. Family. Your spouse needs your time and your attention. Your children spell love T – I – M – E. Not time at the ballfield or dance studio. Time with you. There is no substitute for your time and attention.

  3. Work and career. Working, paying your bills, setting goals are good. You should work. You should want to excel and do a great job, but never at the expense of the first two things in this list. Money and stuff cannot buy you what time well spent with the Lord and with family can.

  4. Relax. Our world is running at a pace that is killing us. We don’t know how to just relax and be quiet. There is such a drive to be entertained all the time. Learning to slow down and spend some of that precious time relaxing is key.

  5. Laughing. “A merry heart does good like a medicine.” Laugh more. Laugh at yourself. Laugh with your family. If you are a Christian, we win! The Bible says that God laughs at the plans of the kings. The joy of the Lord is our strength.


Take a look at your life or, better yet, how you spend your TIME. You can see what you value most. Please don’t waste your time on things that are not worth it.

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